about me

Hello i'm ____. I live in a cool city in a small apartment with one parent. As of writing this i'm spending most of my days in my room reading, listening to music or watching movies. I love jumping into new hobbies that I end up losing interest in, petting my cat and collecting whatever I impulsively feel like I need to collect... currently due to back to school sprit im really into stationary items.

I'm still trying to discover a sense of style so this whole site might seem mis-matched, kinda like my room... I also don't think my online persona really fails to reflect my real life one so I want to keep this site a secret from whoever might know me face-to-face

about my site

I made this site as a complete escape from real life, while you might see me writing about things that happen there, this site is a completely seperate space to me. A safe room, if you will, where I can come at the end of the day and just indulge endlessly if that makes sense.

my favorite things ever

Books Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata / Heaven by Mieko Kawakami /
Videogames Silent Hill 3, 2 / Animal Crossing: New Leaf / Style Savvy: Fashion Forward / Half-Life
Videogame Characters Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 / D'arce from Fear & Hunger / Lammy from UmJammerLammy / Punchy from ACNL
Music Artists Stereolab / Blonde Redhead / Björk / The Cardigans / Shiina Ringo / Serani Poji
Cigarettes Kent / Parliament Slims