-> CURRENT INTERESTS - last updated: august 12th

+ Half-Life I've played or am playing almost every Half Life out there except source, deathmatches and half life alyx. The reason i was interested half life was because I thought that the late 90's graphics were extremely silly and i ended up loving it a lot!! I'm currently playing both Half Life opposing force and Half Life security breach. But urmm yeah i love the first game to death especially because of the graphics and compressed voices. It holds a special place in my heart

Goes without saying but I really love second game and the episodes aswell.. infact i have all the steam achievements for half life 2 (i am very proud)

showing off

+ Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul - ermm .. judging from my whole website, you might think it's alittle ... strange.. but I've been obsessed with the whole breaking bad universe for a few weeks now after rewatching both series... twice.. They are a real treat and i can ramble about them forever but I will spare you from that ... UM YEAH everyone in this whole wide world should watch breaking bad and better call saul. I cannot recommend them enough ...

click me

+ Silent Hill- (tears and snot running down face) I LOVE SILENT HILL!!1!11!!! evrything about silent hill is so awesome i love the soundtrack i love the story i love the characters i love the silly bizzare diologue i love the puzzles i love the monsters i love the gameplay i love walkimg around on the snow and fog i love the first game i love the second game i love the third game i wish i could play the 4th but my second hand laptop intended for work couldnt handle a ps3 emulator.. I LOVE SILENT HILL !!!!!!! WHATS NOT TO LOVE!!!!!!

+ more coming soon