Welcome to my humble abode !!
Hello, welcome to my silly corner of the internet !! What is this? This is a little project I've been working on for a while. I made this site to share my interests and learn some code and webdesign. Though I'm still very much a newbie, i'm definetly improving !... I'm also 17 years old (18 in !!) and a shut in for the time being. My hobbies include; not leaving my room, playing videogames, drawing and listening to music. I ramble about said hobbies most of the time here. Anyways, go on exploring and enjoy your stay!!

...Where to go?
- **tip : click the grass!
- **tip 2 : click here for my layout archive
- About - The obligatory about me page, pretty self explanatory
- Collections - A place where i will be posting my collection of plushies and figures!!
- Music - The music page... Where i share with you, my favorite songs, albums and musicians
- Blog - A blog page for my very own (poorly) written articles and such
- New Leaf - New Leaf shrine
- Gamelog - Well, a gamelog!
- Links&Sources - a page for all kinds of helpful links and resources, for you!!1!!1
- Guestbook - A place for YOU to leave your thoughts about my site ^___^